New Delhi:In the Railways' new timetable, about 500 Mail Express trains have been speeded up and they will now reach their destinations 10 to 70 minutes faster, the Railway Ministry said on Monday. In addition, 130 services (65 pairs of trains) have been converted to 'superfast' category, it said.
Overall, the average speed of all trains has increased by about 5 per cent leading to availability of nearly 5 percent additional paths for operation of more trains, a statement from the ministry said. The Indian Railways released its new All India Railway Time Table known as "Trains At A Glance (TAG)" on its official website -- -- that came into effect on October 1.
In the new time table, a slew of premium trains like the Vande Bharat Express between New Delhi-Varanasi and New Delhi-Katra, have also been introduced, the statement said. Another Vande Bharat Express train has also been introduced between Gandhinagar and Mumbai, it said.