Mumbai: A five-member team from the vigilance section of the Narcotics Control Bureau will probe into the allegations against Sameer Wankhede, the zonal officer in charge of the drugs on the cruise ship case. The vigilance team will be headed by NCB deputy director-general Gyaneshwar Singh. The NCB had ordered a vigilance inquiry into the bribery allegations made against the officer by a man named as a witness in the case.
Earlier, the central agency's office in Delhi summoned Wankhede on which he told reporters, "The reason for coming to Delhi is different. The allegations against me are baseless. I do not want to say anything about this as the investigation is ongoing. I will reply to everything in due course."
Also, the Mumbai Police have appointed an ACP-level officer, Milind Khetle to investigate the allegations levelled against NCB Zonal Director Sameer Wankhede, said police sources on Wednesday. All the complaints received against Wankhede will be probed by Khetle. Four police stations in Mumbai have received such complaints so far, said the sources.