Amaravati: The Special Task Force of Andhra Pradesh on Saturday stated that 429 out of 770 Andhra students have returned from war-ravaged country Ukraine. Addressing the media, Chairman of the Special Task Force MT Krishna Babu said that "measures are being taken to repatriate the students."
"We are continuously sharing the data of all students and other residents hailing from AP with the Ministry of External Affairs to ensure the students return. Within the state, our officials have visited the houses of 586 students to assure them of the government's efforts to bring back the students," Krishna Babu said. He said the situation was challenging and tough in Kharkiv and Zaporizhia.
"Our MEA is in touch with Russia and Ukraine over safely evacuating our students from there. The state government is working closely with the MEA to ensure the safe return of the students," said Krishna Babu. He told the parents not to panic. While the Andhra Pradesh government has data of 770 students so far, there could be 100 or 200 more Telugu-speaking students in Ukraine. Most of them were reaching Hungary, Romania and Slovakia from Ukraine from where 'Operation Ganga' flights were being operated.