Dholpur(Rajasthan): Bari Kotwali police has arrested seven accused including four minors for gangraping a minor girl in Rajasthan, Dholpur on Thursday. According to Bari Kotwali police, a minor boy took his minor girlfriend to his friend's house where six of his friends were already present.
The seven accused gang-raped her whilst one of the accused even shot a video of the rape. Later, he called the minor victim and threatened to make the video viral if she did not pay him money. However, based on a tipoff, the police arrested him before the video went viral. Superintendent of Police Narayan Singh Togas said, "the police received an audio clip of a person demanding money by threatening another person to make a video viral. Upon getting this audio clip, the cyber cell was immediately contacted to trace the culprit.
The cyber cell investigated the incident and traced the entire matter of gang rape. On June 14, a minor boy called his minor girlfriend to his friend's house in the Bari Kotwali police station area. Where seven accused had raped her in turns. Among them, an accused had also made a video of this incident. The accused was demanding Rs 1 lakh from other accomplices threatening to make the video viral."