Dhule: In a major development, Dhule police on Thursday seized a large stockpile of weapons. Police have seized 90 swords and a dagger from an SUV in Maharashtra’s Dhule district and arrested four people in this connection, an official said on Thursday.
A police team intercepted a vehicle after chasing it on Wednesday near Songir Phata in the Shirpur area while it was heading towards Dhule city, located over 300 km from Mumbai, he said. During a search, the police found 90 swords and a dagger inside the SUV in which four persons were traveling, Dhule Superintendent of Police Pravinkumar Patil said.
The police arrested four persons – Mohammed Sharif Mohammed Shafique (35), Shaikh Iliyas Shaikh Latif (32), Saiyad Naim Saiyad Rahim (29), and Kapil Dabhade (35), all residents of Jalna district, he said.