New Delhi:Delhi Police has informed a court here that its three erring officials have been suspended and a departmental inquiry initiated against them after a man out on interim bail allegedly murdered his wife despite court-ordered protection to her. Additional Sessions Judge Anuj Agrawal was informed through a compliance report submitted by the Delhi Police Commissioner that an inspector, sub-inspector, and assistant sub-inspector of the Govindpuri police station have been suspended. An inquiry was conducted pursuant to order of this court and erring police officials have been placed under suspension and transferred to District Line, the Police Commissioner stated in the report, as per the court order dated August 16.
The report further stated that a departmental inquiry has been initiated against the three officials and a circular with respect to 'witness protection scheme 2018' has been circulated to all concerned for meticulous compliance. Accused Nanda Nayak allegedly killed his wife Jharna, who was an eye witness in a case lodged against him, before surrendering to jail on cancellation on his interim bail. Nayak was released on 90-days interim bail in June 2021. The court, however, cancelled it on July 31 after observing that he threatened the witnesses and pressured them to withdraw the case. The court asked him to surrender before the jail in two days. According to the police, Nayak strangulated his wife with a 'dupatta' before surrendering.