New Delhi: The BJP has finalised tickets for more than 100 seats for the forthcoming Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections. On Thursday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to chair the Central Election Committee meeting. Besides, it is also expected that the BJP will also declare the first list of candidates for UP polls on January 16 or 17. In the first list, at least the names of 177 candidates will be out, according to sources.
The party's meetings were going on for the past two days and on Wednesday the discussion took place between leaders of BJP high command, UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and senior leaders of the party. On day one of the meeting, talks were held on 'election scenario' and on the next day that is on Wednesday, discussions were conducted on 'scope of alliance'. Besides, on the top of the agenda was; from where UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will contest, stated the source.
The saffron party convened a meeting of its Core Group also on Wednesday at its headquarters in New Delhi. It has been learnt from the highly placed sources that Yogi Adityanath will contest the election from Ayodhya. Senior BJP leaders wanted to know about his opinion on Wednesday's meeting, adds the source.