New Delhi: A Delhi court on Friday ordered the framing of rioting, arson, and other charges against former AAP councillor Tahir Hussain and others for prima facie hatching a conspiracy to target the people of the "Hindu community" and their properties in February 2020. Additional Sessions Judge Virender Bhat ordered the framing of charges against Hussain, Anas, Firoz, Javed, Gulfam, and Sohaib Alam.
The court ordered the accused on trial for various offences punishable under sections, including 120-B (criminal conspiracy), 147 (rioting), 148 (Rioting, armed with a deadly weapon), 427 (Mischief causing damage to the amount of fifty rupees or more), 436 (mischief by fire or explosive substance with intent to destroy the house, etc.) and 395 (dacoity) of the Indian Penal Code. The court further ordered the framing of charges under sections 109 (punishment of abetment) and 114 (abettor present when the offence is committed) against Hussain.
It prima-facie appears that the riotous incident in question was committed in pursuance to a well-hatched conspiracy and after elaborate preparations as also in the execution of the well-thought plan, the judge said. He said that the circumstances nowhere indicated that it was a spontaneous act, but clearly revealed that there had been an agreement between the accused to commit vandalisation and arson in the properties belonging to Hindu community from the building of Tahir Hussain and that elaborate preparation had been done to execute the plan.
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