New Delhi: The government has "referred back" 20 names recommended for appointment as high court judges to the Supreme Court Collegium, Parliament was informed on Thursday. Law Minister Kiren Rijiju said as on December 9, against the sanctioned strength of 1,108 judges, 777 were working in the 25 high courts, leaving a vacancy of 331 (30 per cent).
"Against 331 vacancies at present, 147 proposals received from various high courts were at various stages of processing between the government and the Supreme Court Collegium," he said in a written response to a question in the Rajya Sabha. Further recommendations from high court collegiums are yet to be received in respect of 184 vacancies, till December 9, 2022, the government has appointed a record number of 165 judges in various High Courts, which is highest in a calendar year so far, the minister pointed out.