Trichy(Tamil Nadu): Death of a 2-year-old boy which was initially linked to a suspected to a case of food poisoning took a different turn after preliminary postmortem investigations revealed fractures and external injuries, suggesting foul-play. The deceased identified as Sai Tharun, (2), is the second child of Mahalakshmi and Sekar, a painter, residents of Thalakudi near Trichy.
"My son took ill on Saturday after eating noodles which was prepared the previous night. He did not eat anything else through the day. He began vomiting. We took him to a private hospital," Police quoted Mahalakshmi as saying. The doctors declared the boy dead on arrival, police added.
The corpse was moved to Trichy Government Hospital where an autopsy was carried out on Sunday. During postmortem, the doctors had found out that boy's rib bones were fractured. They had also spotted injuries in the genitals of the deceased boy. Further, the doctors also ruled out any case of food poisoning as indicated by Mahalakshmi in her complaint about her boy's death.