New Delhi: To mark the inauguration of Kashi Vishwanath Dham on December 13, the Bharatiya Janata Party has planned a two-day celebration 'Divya Kashi Bhavya Kashi' from December 13 to 14 in the PM Modi's Lok Sabha constituency.
BJP is planning to make this two-day event a mega show, CM's and deputy CM's of 12 BJP ruled states have been invited by the prime minister to attend the inauguration ceremony to be held in Varanasi on December 13.
During the "Ganga Arti" in the evening, all the leaders will accompany PM while he is taking the Ganga tour.
On the next day, PM will be holding a seminar on the topic of "good governance" where he will be interacting with all the CM's and Deputy CM's. It's expected that PM will also share some tips on Covid-19 management and promoting vaccination.