Kolkata: The hearing on the post-poll violence case in West Bengal at the Calcutta High Court has been concluded on Tuesday. The court has reserved its judgment. However, the BJP has decided to keep the issue burning. Starting from August 17, separate teams accompanied by at least 12 central ministers will be coming to the state to meet family members of the victims. The saffron party plans to keep the issue burning, irrespective of the court's decision.
On August 18, 2021, BJP will come out with four different rallies at four different pockets in the state. Each rally will be led by one central minister. Then three separate teams all led by one or two central ministers will visit the family members of the victims of the post-poll violence in different pockets of the state. More such programmes to follow in the coming days and more central ministers will visit the state during the ongoing month.
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Speaking on this issue, BJP's state president in West Bengal, Dilip Ghosh said that recently there was a meeting of the party high command in New Delhi where the decision was taken about the programmes starting from August 18. "On August 14, four central ministers from Bengal will be present. They will meet the family members of the victims of the post-poll violence in the state. Compensation cheques will be handed over to these families. Our main aim is to stand by them. A total of 12 central ministers will visit the state in phases during the current months," Ghosh told ETV Bharat.