Behror:Eleven people, including a transport inspector, were arrested after around Rs 12 lakh, collected illegally from truck drivers, was recovered during a raid at the Shahjahanpur tax collection center of the Alwar Transport department, an ACB spokesperson said on Sunday. The sudden operation by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) at a checkpoint on National Highway 48 near Rajasthan was able to bust illegal collection by officials.
Speaking about the incident, ASP (Additional Superintendent of Police) of ACB Kota, Thakur Chandrasheel Kumar, said inputs regarding police personnel taking bribes from drivers passing through the stretch had been received. "When a sudden raid was conducted based on this, an amount of more than Rs 3 lakh of extortion money was caught from the personnel," Kumar said. The ASP explained that the initial scoop of Rs 206,000 was followed by a thorough search of the RTO (Regional Transport Office) Inspector, contractual personnel, and others being conducted at the spot, which revealed a further Rs 84,000.