Lucknow: In a revelation that is bound to create a political buzz in Uttar Pradesh, Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya has said that nearly 100 of the 111 Samajwadi Party MLAs were in touch with the BJP leaders. He was responding to an offer made by Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav in which he said that if Maurya walks out with 100 BJP MLAs, SP would make him the chief minister. Maurya has strongly countered Akhilesh Yadav's observations saying the SP chief was not in a position to keep his MLAs together and so, how could he make such an offer.
"Akhilesh is behaving like a fish out of the water after he lost the Assembly polls. The Samajwadi Party is now Samaptwadi Party that is nearing its end," he added. Maurya said that the BJP government had an overwhelming majority and did not need to break any other party. State BJP chief Bhupendra Singh Chaudhary, an OBC leader, was also quick to respond to Akhilesh's remarks and advised him to worry about his own party's lawmakers.