Hyderabad: Xiaomi finally launched its Redmi 14C 5G smartphone in India on Monday, starting at Rs 9,999. The smartphone comes in three different RAM and storage configurations. It has a 6.88-inch HD+ display with a refresh rate of 120Hz and is IP52 dust and water-resistant. The smartphone is powered by a 4nm Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 chipset and packs a 5,160mAh battery, along with a 33W charger included inside the box. The Redmi 14C 5G was released in China in September 2024.
Redmi 14C 5G: Price and Availability
The Redmi 14C is priced at Rs 9,999 for the 4GB RAM + 64GB storage variant. Meanwhile, the 4GB+128GB and 6GB+128GB variants are priced at Rs 10,999 and Rs 11,999, respectively. The handset is available in three colours-- Starlight Blue, Stardust Purple, and Stargaze Black.
The smartphone goes for sale on January 10, 2025, and can be purchased via Amazon, Redmi, and Xiaomi's web portal.