Hyderabad:OnePlus launched the OnePlus 13 in India on Tuesday. The newly launched flagship smartphone will be competing against the likes of iQOO 13. The latter was launched on December 3, 2024, and comes with the same chipset -- Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite -- as the new OnePlus flagship. This prompts a comparison of the two devices based on their prices, specifications, and design.
OnePlus 13 vs iQOO 13: Prices
The newly launched OnePlus 13 series comes in three RAM/storage configurations while the iQOO 13 is offered in two variants. The OnePlus 13 is priced at Rs 69,999 for the base 12GB + 256GB model, whereas the iQOO 13 starts at Rs 54,999 for the same configuration. The 16GB + 512GB variant of the OnePlus 13 is priced at Rs 76,999 while the iQOO 13 is priced at Rs 59,999 for the same model. Additionally, the 24GB + 1TB variant of the OnePlus 13 is priced at Rs 89,999.
OnePlus 13 vs iQOO 13: Design and Colours
The OnePlus 13 series comes in three colourways-- Midnight Ocean, Black Eclipse, and Arctic Dawn, whereas the iQOO 13 is offered in two shades-- Legend and Nardo Grey. Both devices come with IP68 and IP69 ratings for dust and water resistance.
The OnePlus 13 comes with a refreshed and slimmer look, boasting flat sides along with a flat display instead of the curved display that was previously found on its predecessor. At the back, the handset gets the same circular camera module along with three sensors. The silver colour accent around the rear camera module matches the side frames. Meanwhile, the vegan leather (Midnight Ocean) and glass (Black Eclipse, and Arctic Dawn) back designs give the phone a premium touch.
The iQOO 13, meanwhile, looks similar to its predecessor with some cosmetic changes. The rear camera module has a customisable "Energy Halo" LED that supports six dynamic effects and 12 colour combinations. The device looks premium with a glass back.