New Delhi:Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on Friday took to his X handle and confirmed the Information Technology (IT) Ministry has been in touch with Microsoft to resolve the global outage. Vaishnaw also said the National Informatics Centre's (NIC) network has not been affected by the outage.
Reacting to the global outage, the Microsoft spokesperson said they are aware of the issue affecting Windows devices due to an update from a third-party software platform and further anticipated that a resolution would be forthcoming.
Microsoft Windows users this morning reported facing 'Blue Screen of Death' errors, with many users taking to social media platforms to report about the issue. The outage resulted in disruptions to flights, supermarkets, the stock market, and banking operations, among others.
Major US carriers, including Delta, United, and American Airlines, have grounded all flights, regardless of destination, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.
Berlin Airport announced the suspension of all flights. In India, SpiceJet announced via X that it was experiencing technical challenges with its service provider, which affected online services like booking, check-in, and managing bookings.