Hyderabad: JSW MG Motor India will showcase its upcoming luxury MPV, MG M9 at the 2025 Bharat Mobility Global Expo. The luxury MPV will be sold via 'The MG Select' showroom along with the all-electric two-door sporty Cyberster in India. The post shared online highlights features such as ottoman seats in its second row and three-zone climate control which can be controlled through a touchscreen panel on its handrail. Notably, the same touchscreen can be used to control massage modes as well. A lot has not been disclosed yet. Let's dive into the details of the M9 EV we have so far.
MG M9: Expected Design and Dimensions
The M9 EV has already been launched in the global markets. It is expected that a similar model will be launched with Indian specifications. As per the international model, the luxury MPV measures 5,270mm in length, 2,000mm in width, and 1,840mm in height. Meanwhile, the wheelbase of the MPV stands at 3,200mm.
The electric MPV comes in a boxy design with a grill-less design with an LED DRL crystal line moving across the bonnet. It stands on 19-inch CONTI SEAL tyres and is offered a pair of LED headlamps and rearlights. Internationally, the MPV comes in three colours-- Granite Gray, Pearl White, and Black Knight.