Hyderabad:Lava on Monday launched the Blaze Duo 5G smartphone in India at a starting price of Rs 16,999. The smartphone features a 6.67-inch AMOLED display, a 64MP rear primary camera, a 16MP selfie shooter, and a 6nm MediaTek Dimensity 7025 chipset paired with up to 8GB RAM and 128 storage. The handset is powered by a 5,000mAh battery with 33W wired fast charging support. Let's take a detailed look at the prices, availability, and specifications of the new Lava Blaze Duo 5G.
Lava Blaze Duo 5G: Price, Availability, and Discount
The Lava Blaze Duo 5G is priced at Rs 16,999 for the 6GB+128GB variant whereas the higher 8GB+128GB variant is priced at Rs 17,999. Interested buyers can purchase the new smartphone on December 20 via Amazon. Additionally, HDFC debit and credit cardholders can avail of an instant discount of Rs 2,000 on their purchases between December 20 and December 22.
Lava Blaze Duo 5G: Specifications and Features
The Lava Blaze Duo 5G sports a 6.67-inch Full HD+ 3D curved AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate and a 1.58-inch AMOLED screen on the back panel of the device. It runs on a 6nm MediaTek Dimensity 7025 chipset paired with up to 8GB LPDDR5 RAM with 128GB-UFS 3.1 storage. Notably, the storage of the phone cannot be expanded.
The Blaze Duo 5G equips a 64MP main rear sensor with a 2MP secondary camera to capture depth information. On the front, the handset possesses a 16MP selfie camera. The newly launched smartphone is powered by a 5,000mAh battery with 33W wired fast charging support and runs on Android 14 out-of-the-box.
Additional features of the Lava Blaze Duo include an in-display fingerprint scanner, 5G connectivity, 4G LTE support, WiFi, Bluetooth 5.2, GPS, USB Type-C port, a proximity sensor, an accelerometer, an e-compass, ambient light sensor, and a gyroscope.