
Cybersecurity Alert: FedEx Courier Fraud on the Rise, Millions at Risk

By ETV Bharat English Team

Published : May 28, 2024, 5:31 PM IST

Updated : May 28, 2024, 6:01 PM IST

A new cybercrime is gaining traction: FedEx Courier Fraud. This scam preys on people's fears and has already claimed numerous victims. The Cyber Security Bureau in 2024 so far has received 1026 complaints, with criminals stealing a staggering Rs 36.74 crores.

Cybersecurity Alert: FedEx Courier Fraud on the Rise, Millions at Risk
Representational photo (ETV Bharat)

Hyderabad: In a shocking turn of events, cybersecurity experts have uncovered a massive data breach affecting millions of individuals across the globe. The breach, which targeted a prominent online retailer's database, has exposed sensitive personal information, including countless customers' names, addresses, phone numbers, and even credit card details. The repercussions are severe and far-reaching, putting millions at risk of identity theft and financial fraud.

The Breach

It all started with a sophisticated cyberattack that exploited vulnerabilities in the retailer's security infrastructure. Hackers managed to gain unauthorised access to the database, bypassing encryption protocols and firewalls designed to protect customer data. Once inside, they siphoned off a treasure trove of personal information. Cybersecurity experts have been working around the clock to assess the damage. "The scale of this breach is unprecedented," said one expert. "The attackers were incredibly skilled and left no trace, making it challenging to identify the full extent of the compromise," the expert added.

The Aftermath

For millions of affected customers, the news has been nothing short of a nightmare. The stolen information can be exploited to conduct unauthorised transactions, apply for loans, or even commit acts of cyber espionage. The fear of falling victim to these crimes is palpable, and cybersecurity experts are urging individuals to take immediate action to protect themselves. "Monitor your bank statements and credit reports for any suspicious activity," advised the experts. "Change your passwords for online accounts and remain vigilant," they added.

A New Scam: FedEx Courier Fraud

Amidst the chaos of the data breach, a new cybercrime is gaining traction: FedEx Courier Fraud. This scam preys on people's fears and has already claimed numerous victims. One evening, Ravi, a respected professor in Hyderabad, received a call that would change his life. The voice on the other end was calm but insistent. "Mr. Ravi, this is 'Customs'. We have detected a package in your name containing drugs and weapons. The CBI is involved, and you will be arrested if you don't cooperate."

Ravi was stunned. He had never sent such a package. But the caller knew his name, address, and other personal details, making the threat feel all too real. Before he could process what was happening, another call came through – this time, a video call. A man in a uniform identified himself as a CBI officer, reiterating the grave accusations and showing fake documents to back his claims. In a state of panic, Ravi pleaded for a solution. The "officer" offered one: a transfer of Rs. 99 lakhs to avoid arrest. Under immense pressure and fear, Ravi complied, only to realise later that he had been scammed.

The Toll

Not only Ravi, another professor lost Rs. 45 lakhs, while a businessman in Hyderabad was swindled out of Rs. 80 lakhs. The scammers' tactics are ruthless and relentless. They call, threaten, and manipulate their victims until they extract the desired amount. In a particularly harrowing case, a woman was held hostage by fear through a night-long Skype call. By morning, she had transferred Rs. 60 lakhs to the scammers' account. Realising she had been duped, she immediately contacted the 1930 call centre, leading to the Cyber Security Bureau freezing the funds.

Fighting Back

This year alone, the Cyber Security Bureau has received 1026 complaints, with criminals stealing a staggering Rs 36.74 crores. Thanks to timely reporting, authorities have managed to recover Rs 7.46 crores. Shikha Goel, Additional Director General, and Director of the Cyber Security Bureau has been at the forefront of the battle against these cybercriminals. "These scammers leave no stone unturned," she said. "But if victims report immediately, we have a good chance of stopping the money and bringing the culprits to justice," she added.

How the scam works? (ETV Bharat)

What To Watch For?

Nobody from any agency makes any video calls to anybody anywhere in the country. So if anybody tells you, come on a video call and we will record your statement. It is not true, Goel said.

She explained that no agency in the country will record any statement by video call. The only time a statement is recorded or by video conferencing, according to her, is when the court finds it necessary to do so during the trial. She cautioned that it can never happen anywhere during the investigation. "So if anybody tells you, please do not believe,” she said.

"And every day, we get 20 to 30 calls in the 1930 helpline, now only for this FedEx fraud almost one crore rupees is lost every day in Telangana. Recently, in a single case, one victim lost six crores,” the official said.

If you are alert, another victim, recently, who was alert, transferred Rs 60 lakh and immediately thought that he had done something wrong. Immediately, he called 1930 and the entire 60 lakh was saved, she said.

How To Stay Safe?

To prevent any cybercrime, the most important thing is that you don't interact with any stranger. Don't click on any unknown links, don't believe anybody saying that you have done any crime. If you have not done so, you have not committed any crime.

If you don't have any person/relative living in a foreign country, then also some people believe they've got a parcel from the foreign country. So be alert, be conscious.

Where To Complain?

If by chance, you become a victim, then immediately dial 1930 (national cybercime helpline), and we will be able to save your money. There are so many instances where we've been able to save. The Telangana Cyber Bureau has frozen, and put on hold, over Rs 400 crores, she advised.

If you lose money, you are advised to immediately file a complaint on the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal here. By doing this, you might have the possibility of getting it back.

Last Updated : May 28, 2024, 6:01 PM IST


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