Hyderabad: Blinkit, on Thursday, introduced an ambulance service with Basic Life Support (BLS) facilities in India. Known for delivering products and services to customers in 10 minutes, Blinkit will now offer ambulance services within the same timeframe. The BLS service has been launched with five ambulances in select areas of Gurugram, equipped with vital life-saving equipment such as oxygen cylinders and Automated External Defibrillators (AED).
Blinkit's Ambulance Service: Facilities Inside the Ambulance
Albinder Dhindsa, CEO of Blinkit, announced the launch of the BLS ambulance service through a post on X (formerly known as Twitter). According to Dhindsa, Blinkit aims to address the issue of fast and reliable ambulance services in Indian cities.
Blinkit's ambulances will be equipped with oxygen cylinders, AEDs, stretchers, monitors, suction machines, and all the necessary medical supplies such as emergency medicines and injections. Additionally, each ambulance will have a paramedic, an assistant, and a trained driver to provide primary treatment to the patient.