Hyderabad: Asus has confirmed the launch date of its upcoming Zenfone 12 Ultra smartphone. The device will be launched globally on February 6, 2025. The company has also shared a teaser via its official social media accounts, showcasing a glimpse of the phone's front design.
As per the official teaser shared on X (formerly known as Twitter), the Asus Zenfone 12 Ultra will look similar to its predecessor Asus Zenfone 11 Ultra, but sport thinner bezels. The teaser also suggests the presence of a punch-hole front-facing camera that could be stacked at the top-front centre.
Furthermore, the post suggests that Asus might add some new features to the Zenfone 12 Ultra. The post says "Coming Soon" with the letter 'O' being highlighted as a circular camera lens. This indicates an enhanced back camera setup or a new set of camera modules. We will have to wait for the company to share more details to get a clear picture of the new device and its specifications.