Hyderabad:Apple has finally released the iOS 18.2 update for iPhone users in India alongside new versions of its operating systems for iPad and Mac. The new update brings a host of new Apple Intelligence features to eligible iPhone models, which include Image Playground, Genmoji, Image Wand, Writing Tools, ChatGPT integration, a redesigned Siri, and more.
Apple Intelligence features packed inside iOS 18.2
ChatGPT integration:Apple is integrating ChatGPT into Siri and Writing Tools across iOS, iPadOS, and macOS, allowing users to utilise ChatGPT's capabilities, including content generation and image understanding, directly through Siri and systemwide Writing Tools without needing to switch between apps. Users can choose to enable this integration, and a ChatGPT account is not required by default. When used without an account, OpenAI does not store requests or use the data for training, and IP addresses are obscured. If users connect their accounts, OpenAI's data-use policies will apply.
Image Playgroundlets users easily create unique images with themes, text descriptions, and photos, generating styles like Animation and Illustration. Integrated into Messages and other apps, it's also available as a dedicated app.
Genmoji, powered by Apple Intelligence, enhances emoji with customisable options, allowing users to create playful and personalised emoji-like figures for more expressive communication.
Image Wand in the Notes app enhances note-taking by transforming sketches into polished images and creating relevant visuals based on written context, offering Animation, Illustration, and Sketch styles.
Writing Tools, already consisting of features like Rewrite, Proofread, and Summarise, now get the new "Describe Your Change" option. It adds flexibility and control to make writing more expressive, and available systemwide across Apple and many third-party apps.
Visual intelligence on iPhone 16, via Camera Control, instantly identifies objects and places, copies and translates text, detects contact info, and enables smart searches and problem-solving.