Dumka: An incident that shames humanity has happened in Shikaripara police station area of the district. A 26-year-old youth raped a 13-year-old disabled girl from Mahadalit community. On hearing the girl's screams, her family and villagers gathered and caught the youth red-handed and informed the police, who immediately reached the spot and arrested the accused youth.
The incident took place at a village in Shikaripara police station area on the border of Jharkhand and West Bengal. The accused targetted the victim when she was sitting outside her house late on Monday evening. She cannot walk properly, neither can she speak nor can she hear. About 8 km away from there, Satish Hansda belonging to the Mohammad Bazar police station area of West Bengal, who had come to the victim's village to visit one of his relatives, saw her sitting alone. He dragged her away to a deserted place and raped her.
The victim could not speak anything but somehow screamed. When her mother heard her voice, she also ran to the spot and gathered the nearby villagers by making noise. Everyone together caught the accused and informed the police. Police reached the spot at night and arrested the accused Satish Hansda and brought him to Shikaripara police station. Today an FIR was registered in this case. Whose case number is 84/24. A case was registered under section 65 (2) and POCSO Act.