Mysuru: Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Wednesday said he would quit the post if it's proved that there was delay on the part of his government in submission of a proposal to the Centre seeking drought relief, dismissing the charge made by the Union Home Minister Amit Shah.
Addressing party workers and leaders in Bengaluru on Tuesday, Shah said there is drought in Karnataka, and the state government was late by three months in sending a proposal to the central government and "today the application for drought relief from the Centre is with the Election Commission".
"They (Congress government) are doing politics over it now." Responding to this, Siddaramaiah accused Shah of "lying" and wondered whether the Union Minister would also resign if it's proven so.
"In September we had given the first memorandum, in October the central team (inter-ministerial central team -IMCT) had come (to state), they too had given their report on October 20 (to central government), if it is a lie, I will resign, will he (Shah) give (resignation)? Will Amit Shah resign? ask him. Let him decide," the Chief Minister said.
Speaking to reporters here, he said, "In October itself we have given three memorandums, after that the central team came and inspected and gave a report. On December 19, I met the Prime Minister and on December 20 met Amit Shah. I told him about the report and requested him to hold a meeting and give us relief."