Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) :Now only two days are left for Valentine's Day, which is celebrated the world over on February 14. Ahead of this day, a rose exhibition was organized by Jabalpur Rose Society at Iqbal Bhawan. Participants exhibited more than 300 varieties of roses. This society organizes a rose exhibition every year in February and also honours rose growers.
Those associated with Rose Society say that February and roses have no direct connection with Valentine's Day. In fact, long before Valentine's Day became popular, February is associated with roses. Due to favorable weather in this month every year, roses blossom in their full beauty. Incidentally, Valentine's Day happened to fall in this month.
At the Jabalpur exhibition, people were thrilled to see 300 varieties of roses. Out of these, four roses got the title of King, Queen, Prince and Princess. Rose Society member Jayant Choudhary said that although all the flowers will look the same to onlookers but the one chosen as the king of roses at the expo has a unique shine of its own and a special quality in terms of the flowers, leaves and overall appearance. Choosing any four out of hundreds of flower exhibits was indeed a very difficult task at the expo.