Kolkata: Sporadic incidents of violence were reported from a few areas in the eight Lok Sabha constituencies of West Bengal, where polling is underway for the sixth phase on May 25, officials said. The Election Commission of India (ECI) had received 954 complaints until 11 AM from different political parties, alleging the ruling TMC-led government of malfunctioning EVMs and agents who were barred from entering booths, they said.
The poll panel, however, claimed that polling has been peaceful so far. Clashes reportedly broke out between supporters of the ruling TMC and BJP in the Ghatal constituency over stopping polling agents from entering the booths. Actor-turned politician who is the BJP candidate from Ghatal, Hiran Chatterjee claimed that TMC goons were creating a mess during the voting process.
Our booth agents are not allowed to sit inside the booths, he alleged. BJP activists also staged a protest and set tyres on fire in the area. Sitting TMC MP Dev, who is seeking re-election from the seat, however, refuted all sorts of allegations.
Cases of violence were also reported from some regions of the Kanthi constituency where BJP activists protested against the central forces and accused them of assaulting voters. "The TMC and the central forces are working against us. They are beating our party supporters," BJP candidate Soumendu Adhikari said.