Kolkata :West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee hurled a barrage of allegations against the current judiciary like never before and she dubbed the court as a 'BJP court'. Addressing a public meeting in Malda's Chakulia on Monday, Mamata Banerjee alleged that the central government is appointing BJP loyalists in the seats of judges, so that these judges are doing what the BJP office asks them to do.
The Chief Minister also questioned whether BJP knew about the verdict of SSC recruitment corruption case in advance. Earlier in the day, the Calcutta High Court scrapped the 2016 test through which 26,000 teachers were recruited. CM Mamata slammed this verdict as illegal. While talking about that in Chakuliya's campaign meeting, she expressed her strong dissatisfaction with the judiciary.
"This has happened... not in a temple, not in a mosque, but in a BJP courtroom. BJP sits there and conducts political trials. If BJP files PIL, the bell will ring, but if anyone else files PIL, he will be jailed. This has become the situation here," Mamata didn't hesitate to come down heavily on the court.
Without blaming the judges by name, the chief minister levelled allegations against the central government. "It is not the fault of the judges, it is the fault of the central government. They have put BJP people here, so that they draft what they are told by the BJP party office," she said.
While opposing the SSC-related verdict, the Chief Minister brought up the topic of former Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay again without naming him. "Someone is contesting polls on a BJP ticket. It was his order. The Supreme Court set it aside. It said, let's talk about a new division bench. Hey, who will the division bench be made with? I'm not telling the judges, but it's my right to criticise the verdict."