Mandya (Karnataka):A day after violent clashes broke out between two groups during a Ganesh idol procession in Nagamangala town near Mandya in Karnataka, District Collector Kumar on Thursday said that 54 people were arrested in connection with the incident. Reacting to communal tensions, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah warned of “ruthless action” against miscreants trying to divide people based on caste or religion. In a post on X, he requested the public not to succumb to “incitement” and cooperate with the authorities by maintaining peace and restraint.
Prohibitory orders were imposed till September 14 after violence broke out over allegations of stone pelting at a Ganesh immersion procession by other religious groups on Wednesday. Two Police personnel were injured in the clashes. Shops and vehicles were set on fire by the miscreants. The police officials confirmed the situation to be under control.
Karnataka Minister N Cheluvarayaswamy visited Mandya and inspected the site where violence broke out on Wednesday. He said that action would be taken against anyone who created the rift despite belonging to any religious group, caste or community. "We don't give any importance to any community or caste, whether it's Hindu or Muslim; action will be taken against those who created such a rift," Cheluvarayaswamy said.
"The situation is peaceful now. Some shops and motorcycles have suffered damage...Several shopkeepers have also filed complaints. The Revenue Department and Police will survey and assess the damage and submit a report by evening today. I will further take the report to the CM so that compensation can be given," he added.
"So, we have arrested 46 people concerning Wednesday's incident. The situation has now returned to normalcy. People are going about their day-to-day activities. Shops are open. We have deployed additional force from Karnataka State Reserve Police with other police officials including those in civil clothes," said Mandya Superintendent of Police Mallikarjun Baldandi.