Ayodhya: Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami reached Ramnagari Ayodhya on Tuesday to have darshan of the newly installed Lord Ram idol at the Ram Mandir. The Uttarakhand CM, who was accompanied by his cabinet minister was given a grand welcome by the district administration officials and BJP leaders at Maharishi Valmiki International Airport on his arrival.
Dhami along with the entire cabinet left for Ram Temple. Before heading towards the temple, he talked to media persons outside the airport. Dhami said that a grand temple of Lord Shri Ram is ready in Ayodhya “is the victory of all Ram devotees and those who believe in Sanatan Dharma”. Every Ram devotee wants to reach Ayodhya and see Lord Shri Ram, he said.
“A long struggle had to be done and many sacrifices had to be made. Today a temple of Lord Shri Ram has been built. Ram devotees are reaching Ayodhya and visiting it. This in itself is a matter of pride and a victory for Sanatan Dharma. We are feeling proud to come to Ayodhya,” he added. On the question of building Uttarakhand Sadan in Ayodhya, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said, “We have requested Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to provide the land in Ayodhya. The sooner the land becomes available, the sooner we will start work on this scheme”.