Sultanpur (Uttar Pradesh): It was 11 am on Sunday when Ramchet, a cobbler from Uttar Pradesh's Sultanpur district received a call on his mobile. When he answered it, the caller said he was speaking from Congress MP Rahul Gandhi's team and asked him to be at his shop on Monday morning as the leader had sent some goods for him.
Ramchet's shop is in a wooden kiosk at MLA Nagar intersection under Kurebhar block of the district. Here, Ramchet has a picture of himself and his son with Gandhi. Both he and his son were present at this shop on Monday when at around 2 pm, a four-wheeler stopped here. Three people got down from the car and told that they had come to deliver some goods from Gandhi's team.
They then carried four cartons inside the shop. Upon unloading the goods, Ramchet found that there were raw materials worth more than Rs 50,000. Apart from leather, there were sewing material, sole and footwears.