Jaunpur (Uttar Pradesh): In a shocking incident, four SUV-borne men kidnapped a local BJP leader's 13-year-old daughter and released her after about eight hours in Uttar Pradesh's Jaunpur on Friday, officials said. The girl has been beaten up and her clothes torn by the kidnappers with police suspecting a rape.
The incident came to light in Jalalpur area of Jaunpur. It is learnt that the daughter of the BJP leader, a class 6 student, was on way to school on a bicycle at 7.30 am on Friday. As the girl reached a deserted area near Chhatidih, four miscreants riding a SUV kidnapped her and fled from the spot. Meanwhile, the family members of the girl were thinking that the daughter was in school. When she did not reach home till late evening, they started worrying and started searching her.