Amroha (Uttar Pradesh): A 67-year-old Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) leader and prominent jeweller and his adopted daughter were murdered by slitting their throats in the Nagar Kotwali area on Friday night. This morning around 6 am, their blood-soaked bodies were found lying in their room by a neighbour, who called the police.
The neighbour had found the main door open and walked in to enquire when he saw the bodies and alerted the family, sources said. The deceased Yogesh Chand Agarwal was the leader of the RSS wing Sewa Bharti and the district president of the Amroha Vyapar Mandal and lived with his daughter Srishti (27). Chandra's wife, Chaya (60) had died earlier during the Coronavirus pandemic. He adopted Shrishti, his brother-in-law's daughter, following her death.
Agarwal also had a son Ishank (42) and daughter-in-law Mansi, who had come home for a few days when the murder took place. Amroha Superintendent of Police (SP) Kunwar Anupam Singh said that there's a good chance that the residence was broken into and valuable jewellery and cash were looted. Police sources said that garments were all over the floor and that all of the house's almirahs were shattered open.