Lucknow:Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday announced an increase in the daily honorarium of the Prantiya Rakshak Dal personnel. This move will benefit over 35,000 personnel of the Prantiya Rakshak Dal (PRD). The honorarium has been raised to Rs 500 per day, reflecting the government's commitment to recognizing their service and dedication, according to a press statement.
Speaking during an event on National Youth Day organized on Swami Vivekananda Jayanti here, the chief minister highlighted the role of the PRD personnel since the formation of this security force in 1948. Adityanath emphasized the importance of training PRD personnel to enhance their contribution during disasters. The chief minister acknowledged the achievements of the state's youth.
"Swami Vivekananda often used to say 'the greater the challenge, the more glorious the victory'. This serves as a source of inspiration for the youth, who are forging ahead by embracing this motivational message," he said. Adityanath noted that while earlier there was an identity crisis for the youth of Uttar Pradesh, they are today proving their talent on national and global platforms.
During the event, the chief minister presented the state-level Swami Vivekananda Youth Awards to the winners. He also launched the AI-based integrated portal "Yuva Saathi", designed to utilize artificial intelligence to further enhance opportunities for the youth. The chief minister warned against the dangers of substance abuse, emphasizing that addiction can destroy a young person's future.
Adityanath highlighted the nationwide campaign against tuberculosis (TB), led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, aimed at eradicating TB from India by 2025. Optimistic about India's future, he asserted that the country would emerge as a global superpower by 2047. The chief minister called for collective efforts to achieve this vision. PTI CDN AS AS