Aligarh: Amid the poll fervour, the Uttar Pradesh sugar industry minister Chaudhary Laxmi Narayan Singh said, in a press conference in Khair on Monday, the government would soon start the process of including Aheriya and Bagheliya communities in the Scheduled Caste (SC) quota. Singh is also the minister in charge of the Aligarh district.
He said the people of these communities in the Khair assembly exuded confidence in supporting the BJP. Now, the government has accepted their longstanding demand after a discussion by the cabinet.
Singh said after the elections, work of including these communities in the SC bracket will be completed rapidly and certificates will be handed over. In 1949, Aheriya, Khatik, Kaul, and Warul communities were excluded from the Scheduled Caste list. However, in 1950, except Aheriya community, the other three castes were enlisted, depriving them availing all benefits.
Since then, the Aheriyas have repeatedly raised demands for their rights and the government is now showing commitment to fulfilling these.