Meerut (Uttar Pradesh):A man, accused of assault on police, had escaped from the court premises in Uttar Pradesh's Meerut on Wednesday but turned up at the police station 22 hours later to surrender. He offered cops to arrest him while urging them not to shoot him and to spare his family members.
Fariyad was once again presented in court and ordered jail custody.
A team from the Kithor police station reached the ADJ court on Wednesday with Anshul, accused in a 2012 case, and Fariyad, accused of police assault in 2021. A warrant was issued against them and the court ordered to send both to jail.
While leaving the court premises, Fariyad managed to dodge the cops and escaped. For three hours, two constables did not report the incident to the seniors. It was only in the evening that the entire matter was revealed. After this, both the constables were suspended over negligence on the orders of SSP Dr Vipin Tada and a report was filed in the Civil Lines police station in this connection.
Several teams were deployed to search Fariyad but he could not be found anywhere.