Dehradun: As the expert committee chaired by Justice Ranjana Desai submitted the draft of the Uniform Civil Code to Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Friday, a Muslim woman who fought against the now banned triple talaq, is again at the forefront to implement the UCC. Giving her important opinion on the Uniform Civil Code, Saira Banu has called the newest agenda of the BJP led Central government as “beneficial for the Muslim community”.
Saira has also appealed to the Muslim community to come forward in favour of the UCC. Saira Banu, who fought a long battle against triple talaq in the Supreme Court, has now also stood in favor of the Uniform Civil Code, too. The draft of UCC has been prepared in Uttarakhand and today itself the five member committee preparing the draft handed over the draft to the Chief Minister.
The statement of Saira Banu is being considered very important in this backdrop. Saira said that women of the Muslim community will get the “most benefit from the implementation of Uniform Civil Code”. She expressed hope that the draft will soon be implemented as law by bringing a bill in the Assembly in coming days.