New Delhi:Two minors, who allegedly dragged two Delhi Traffic Police personnel on the bonnet of their car for 20 metres near Bersarai Market Road, were arrested and a case registered against the vehicle's owner.
The incident took place on November 2 and the minors had attempted to evade police after the incident, which was captured on a CCTV and police were on a search for the accused since then.
Injured ASI Pramod had alleged in his statement that he was on duty near Ber Sarai Market Road along with Head Constable Shailesh when at around 7.45 pm, a car jumped the red light and came towards them. He signalled the car to stop. When the driver was asked to come out of the car, he tried to escape from the spot, dragging the two police personnel on the car's bonnet for about 20 metres.
The vehicle was found registered in the name of Jai Bhagwan of Vasant Kunj. According to Delhi Police, the incident has been termed as a serious crime and the police personnel accused the driver of taking their lives due to negligence.