Thane (Maharashtra): In a tragic yet unfortunate incident, a three-year-old girl, who was walking with her mother on the street died after a dog which slipped from the hands of its owner, fell on her from the 5th floor of a building in Mumbra area of Maharashtra's Thane district on Tuesday. The incident has been caught on CCTV camera with the footage going viral on the Internet.
The incident took place on Tuesday afternoon near Chirag Building at Amrit Nagar locality of Mumbra. The girl was walking on the street with her mother when the dog suddenly fell on her from the 5th floor of the building after slipping from the hand of its owner named Sayyed. It is learnt that Sayyed was standing on the balcony of the 5th floor of the building when his dog slipped from his hand and fell on the little girl walking with her mother on the road below. The little girl passing by the road fell on the road and passed out. She was taken to the nearby health facility where she died during treatment as per an official. The dog was also injured in the incident and was also taken to a veterinary hospital for treatment by a local animal lover.