Gwalior: In a tragic incident, a dry fruit trader and his two daughters were burnt to death in a fire which broke out in a residential house in Kailash Nagar of Bahodapur police station area of Gwalior city of Madhya Pradesh on the intervening night of Wednesday and Thursday, an official said. The deceased have been identified as Vijay Gupta and his daughters Yashika and Anushka.
According to locals, victim Vijay Gupta's neighbor Anil Kushwaha was the first came to report the fire in the former's house at midnight. Anil raised an alarm in the locality after which locals rushed to the spot to douse the flames with water, but the blaze was too intense that it could not be extinguished. The locals accordingly informed that fire and emergency department after which SDRF and fire brigade rushed to the spot to douse the flames. With hectic efforts of the firefighters, the flames were brought under control. However, by the time the fire was put out, Vijay Gupta, his daughters Yashika and Anushka died after being burnt alive in the fire, an official said.