Surendranagar (Gujarat): At least two people were arrested after the death of three labourers due to asphyxiation when they were digging a well to reopen a coal mine in Gujarat's Devpara village, said the police on Thursday. The two arrested accused have been identified as Satvir Karpada and Ranjit Dangar, residents of Ramparda village in Surendranagar. The third accused, the owner of the land, is yet to be identified.
Three migrant labourers, who died in the incident, have been identified Sarkubhai Karat, Ramdev Singh Rawat and Chandu Singh Kup Singh Rawat. The bodies of the labourers were sent to the Muli Government Hospital for post-mortem. Besides this, three other labourers sustained injuries and were brought to the hospital for treatment. After this incident, a team, including the Muli police and officials belonging to the Mines and Minerals Department, reached the spot.