Jaipur: In a tragic fire incident reported from Rajasthan, five members of the same family hailing from Bihar including three children were charred to death in a massive fire, which gutted a residential house in capital Jaipur on the intervening night of March 20 and 21, sources said.
The blaze took place at Jaisalya village in Vishwakarma area of Jaipur. While police did not confirm the cause of the fire incident, it is being speculated that the fire was triggered due to leakage in the LPG gas cylinder. In the fire incident, a couple and their three children were charred to death. The identity of the victims was not immediately known.
The family is said to be hailing from Bihar. Soon after the fire broke out, locals informed the fire brigade and the police station about it. After receiving the distress call, a team of police along with the fire brigade rushed to the spot to douse the fire.
However, by the time the flames could be extinguished, the couple and their three children had succumbed to burn injuries, an official said. At present the FSL team of police has reached the spot and is engaged in investigation. The forensic team is also busy finding the exact cause of the fire.
Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma Grieved: Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma has expressed condolences on his social media account X regarding the tragic accident that took place in Vishwakarma of the capital. In the post, CM Sharma said that the news of the untimely demise of five civilians due to the massive fire in Vishwakarma was heart-wrenching. The Chief Minister prayed to God to give the bereaved family members the strength to bear the irreparable loss.
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