Thiruvananthapuram:Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Tuesday said that Thiruvananthapuram, the state capital, should be named the world capital of books, calling on the state Assembly Speaker, A N Shamseer, to write to UNESCO to request the title.
Inaugurating the third edition of Kerala Legislature International Book Festival (KLIBF), at the State Assembly, the Chief Minister said that the UNESCO has a project to identify one city as the world book capital every year, and if any city in India is considered for this, then the cities in Kerala would be the first ones in the list. He said like Kozhikode secured the title of 'World Literature City', Thiruvananthapuram has the potential to become the World Book Capital.
"We started the library movement in 1945 itself, when the UN was formed. MP Paul started SPCS (Sahitya Pravarthaka Sahakarana Sangham) also in the same year. Kerala is the state that celebrated several literary projects of UN and Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of Kerala has all eligibility to become the World Book Capital," Vijayan said.
He said Kerala was the first state in India to begin paperback publishing to make books affordable to common people. Karnataka Assembly Speaker, UT Khader Fareed, who was the chief guest at the occasion said Kerala has become a role model to other Assemblies in the country by organising such a big literary and book festival.
He said others also should follow example and said Karnataka Assembly will try to conduct such a book festival next year. He said this effort by Kerala government is a far-sighted attempt to promote literature and education. Noted writer M Mukundan, who was given the Assembly award, said he will consider this award as the most coveted one among the many he had won so far.
He said it is a proud moment for him to accept this award from an Assembly that formulated iconic legislations like the Land Reformation Act and laws on Public education. Mukundan also urged everyone to stay together to keep fascism and communalism away from Kerala.
The International book festival, happening at the Kerala State Assembly till 13th of this month, has several discussions involving eminent writers and politicians. It also has several cultural programmes.