Bettiah: One person has died in a tiger attack in Bihar's Bettiah. The incident took place in Vanbaria village under Sahodra police station. The deceased has been identified as Indradev Mahato, a resident of Vanbaria village of Sahodra. The deceased Indradev Mahato had gone to the field to graze goats, where the tiger was already lying in wait.
There is an atmosphere of panic in the village due to this incident which took place in Manguraha forest area of Valmiki Tiger Reserve. As soon as Indradev Mahato reached the field, the tiger attacked him. The tiger dragged Indradev Mahato for about 200 meters to a sugarcane field. Meanwhile, when people came to know about the incident, they all ran after the tiger armed with sticks. Then the tiger left his body and ran towards the forest. After a search by the family members, Indradev Mahato's body was recovered from a sugarcane field.
Search for the tiger: The Forest Conservation Officer Neshamani has confirmed the tiger attack. The forest department team has started looking for the tiger, while the villagers are in an atmosphere of fear and panic due to the tiger.