Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin wrote to Union Minister Jitan Ram Manjhi, informing him that the Prime Minister Vishwakarma scheme will not be implemented in the state in its present form and urged for its modification. In a letter written to the Union Minister for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Tamil Nadu CM on Wednesday said the state has decided to formulate a more inclusive and comprehensive scheme based on social justice for artisans, which does not discriminate based on caste.
"Prime Minister of India, dates on January 4, 2024, expressing the government of Tamil Nadu's opinion and request for modification in the Prime Minister's Vishwakarma scheme being implemented by the Ministry of MSME, Government of India," Stalin said in the letter. The CM said that moving forward, Tamil Nadu also constituted a committee to study that scheme in the wake of concerns that this initiative strengthens the system of 'caste-based vocation.'
"The Government of Tamil Nadu, will, therefore, not be taking forward the implementation of the PM Vishwakarma scheme in its present form. However, to empower artisans in Tamil Nadu under the overall principle of social justice, the Government of Tamil Nadu has decided to develop a more inclusive and comprehensive scheme for artisans, which does not discriminate based on caste," he added.