Chennai:The Department of School Education in Tamil Nadu has taken a strong stance against teachers involved in misconduct with schoolgirls. In a circular issued on Tuesday, the department stated that not only will disciplinary action be taken against such teachers, but their educational certificates will also be cancelled.
The circular, issued by the Director of Private Schools Palaniswami, outlines guidelines for protecting students from sexual violence in schools. These guidelines include the establishment of a Student Safety Advisory Committee in all schools. The guideline also laid down guidelines for co-curricular/co-curricular activities in schools for principals, teachers and non-teaching staff.
According to the directive, teachers who engage in indecent activities with schoolgirls will face severe penalties, including compulsory retirement, dismissal, suspension, and cancellation of their educational certificates.
The department has also instructed schools to raise awareness about the Protection of Children Act (POCSO) and to show a YouTube video published by the National Commission for Child Welfare to educate children on how to protect themselves. The circular also directs for proper awareness among students about the Student Mind Box and helpline numbers 14417 and 10980.
Organizations such as the NCC, JRC, and Scout groups will monitor schools to ensure compliance with these guidelines. District Education Officers will conduct training and create awareness among school principals, teachers, and non-teaching staff.