Chennai: The Tamil Nadu government on Wednesday said Samsung India Electronics had accepted most of the demands of workers, who began a strike on September 9 and further urged employees to resume work at the earliest. However, the demand for union registration, supported by the CPIM-affiliated Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), remains unresolved.
What Is The Protest About?About 1,100 employees of the total 1,750 have been on a labour strike at the in Sriperumbudur factory since September 9 demanding changes including pay revision and better working conditions. They have also pressed that the Samsung India Workers' Union backed by the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) gets registered by the state government.
Reaction Of Ministers: Deputy Chief Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin said that a multinational firm like Samsung functions on rules set by itself and does not bend them for the comfort of others. "Samsung says that they will not accept a Union which has a political affiliation. This is their stand. Currently, discussions are going on," the minister said.
Finance Minister Thangam Thennarasu said that the matter is in court right now given Samsung having objected that the Union should not be backed by any political affiliation.
"CITU approached the court on September 30, and as the matter is sub judice. So, further discussion is restricted. The labour department will act according to the court's decision," he said.
He also said that Samsung has decided to pay an additional amount of Rs 5,000 as a special incentive every month to the employees from October onwards, and a relief of Rs 1 lakh would be provided in case an employee dies on duty.