Chennai (Tamil Nadu) : A retired doctor of CMC, hailing from Tripura, died after collision of his car with a container lorry near Vellore. Dr. Debashish Danda (61) retired as a doctor in the Rheumatology Department of CMC Hospital, Vellore. His wife Sumita Danda is also working as a general medicine doctor in CMC Hospital. They have two sons.
Their family is living at the CMC doctors residential apartment in Bagayam area of Vellore. Yesterday afternoon, Dr. Debashish Danda was travelling from Chennai towards Vellore at Chennai-Bengaluru Highway by a car. Then when he reached the Alamelurangapuram area next to Vellore, his car collided with the container lorry that was going in front of his car at the same speed as it was coming and had an accident.