Tiruppur (Tamil Nadu):The Tamil Nadu police on Monday arrested five miscreants, who posing as Enforcement Directorate (ED) officers entered a business man's office and looted Rs 1.62 crore in Tiruppur. They also took away two luxury cars and two mobile phones.
The arrests were made on the basis of a complaint lodged by a cotton yard merchant of Tiruppu, Anguraj (52) and his partner Durai. The complainants told that they received a phone call from a contruction company in Hyderabad that claimed to set up projects in Coimbatore, Tiruppur, and Erode. The caller asked Anguraj to invest in the project promising lucratic returns within a very short time.
According to police, after getting the phone call, the two businessmen managed to arrange Rs 1.69 crore from their families and friends. Thereafter they sent a photograph of the cash to the caller as asked.
On January 30, a group of five men came to Anguraj's office claiming to be ED officers. On the pretext of conducting a raid, the miscreants caught hold of Rs 1.69 crore that had been kept aside along with two luxury cars worth Rs 20 lakh and two mobile phones of Rs 1.62 lakh.