Mumbai:The Maharashtra government on Wednesday told the Bombay High Court that it was taking all necessary steps to include eligible Marathas in the OBC category by granting them Kunbi caste certificates. The statement came as Maratha quota activist Manoj Jarange's hunger strike on the issue entered the fifth day.
Advocate General Birendra Saraf told a division bench of Justices A S Gadkari and Shyam Chandak that it has not been even 20 days since the government issued a draft notification stating that (eligible) Marathas would be included in the Other Backward Classes, but Jarange has already launched a hunger strike.
The bench was hearing a petition filed by activist Gunaratan Sadavarte over disruption of law and order due to Jarange's ongoing agitation. Saraf said the government has always been sensitive to the situation. "Last time people (Jarange and his followers) marched to Mumbai and the state took steps, including issuing a notification calling for objections to amend the rules. The law has a certain timeline. In situations like this, a continuous fast will lead to various situations which will become difficult," the advocate general told the court.